Will chalk gain moisture in a pool hall?.. October 7, 2022Better yet... One in the Philippines where avg Humidity is 82%....???? Chalk and wood both react to humidity in much the same way in that they are both hygroscopic... Steps...
Soooo. What causes skids and kicks..... October 7, 2022Is it the contact marks or something else?? We all saw the videos where they actually chalked the contact points with a cube of chalk and then showed the skid...
Ki-Techs August 28, 2018"Better Cueing through modern chemistry"While tips have been solely graded on hardness for years the winds of change are always blowing. Coefficient of Restitution determines the feel and energy transfer...
The Peanut Butter Chalk Analogy (Long) June 8, 2018The peanut butter Analogy..... Would you ever put peanut butter on the end of your cue to play pool? Of course you wouldn't... well maybe on a bet but still...
Welcome to Outsville... Population YOU! September 5, 2015Outsville?Welcome to Outsville... Population: YOU I've always wondered if Outsville exists outside of East Tennessee... 20 some odd years ago in Jokers pool-hall in Oak Ridge TN I first heard...